27 October 2011

warning: underground cable

A utility pole in Lincoln Park, Chicago. In the alley behind Big Apple Finer Foods. I always enjoy seeing the different fonts and symbols AT&T and the other telecommunications providers use, and how the designs change over time. These white stickers seem to have replaced bright orange ones.

19 October 2011

old and discarded, old and restored and for sale

Televisions. Manhattan. October 2011.
Typewriters. Philadelphia. October 11. Neither of these devices were produced to connect to the Internet. The typewriters don't even have a screen, let alone a touchscreen. With as much time as I spend on various computing devices--primarily a laptop, a desktop, and a mobile phone--it is difficult to consider typing on a typewriter or consuming popular culture from a television and not through online sources. And both of these technologies are not even that ancient; the typewriters will certainly still function when all of my current computers have ceased working.  

18 October 2011

brown pipe

along the Schuylkill River. This tube will soon hold up a traffic sign.